

First and foremost, congratulations on your acceptance! We are looking forward to welcoming you to campus. 以下信息包括帮助您准备申请F-1或J-1签证的有用信息.

Don’t forget to review the information in the 大学生挖矿工清单 or Graduate Student 招生 materials you have received. For additional reference, the Mines Academic 日历 can be found 在这里.


  • 检查您的I-20或DS-2019资格证书上的信息是否准确. Information should match the passport you intend to use to apply for the 签证. If changes need to be made, please email isss@whgaolian.com.
  • 支付强制性费用 SEVIS I-901费用 在线. 一旦付款,你应该打印收据,并保留它作为你的个人记录和美国.S. 大使馆预约.
  • 完成 表格ds - 160 穿过美国.S. 美国国务院网站.
  • Schedule your 签证 appointment at the U.S. 到离你最近的大使馆,并支付美国大使馆的费用.S. 使馆预约费. 您将需要DS-160表格上的收据/条形码,以便预约.

注意:我们鼓励您这样做 等待 to buy your travel arrangements until after you have been granted a U.S. 签证.

I-901 SEVIS费用

Please review the I-901 SEVIS费用 information for f - 1学生 or j - 1签证的学生 这适用于你的身份.


  • Attend your scheduled 签证 interview with all compulsory documentation. 回顾美国.S. 大使馆网站,以确保您有签证预约所需的所有必要文件. 在面谈结束时,你会被告知签证是否被批准.
    • If you are place into additional administrative processing or your 签证 is denied, please contact the International Office as soon as possible at isss@whgaolian.com.

An international student applying for an F-1 or J-1 签证 at the U.S. 海外大使馆或领事馆在签证面谈时需要出示以下材料:

  • 资格证书表格(I-20或DS-2019)由新葡京娱乐城的ISSS提供
  • Letter of admission provided by 新葡京娱乐城
  • 经济支持文件(当前的经济支持证明,可以支付i -20表或DS-2019表上的费用.e. bank statements, award letters or loan approval letters)
  • Passport valid for a minimum of six months into the future at the time of entry
  • 两张照片(请参阅此处的需求)
  • 付款收据 SEVIS I-901费用

Visa reciprocity fee may be required by home country. For more information, please visit the U.S. 美国国务院网站.

除了, you should review the website for the U.S. 您计划申请签证所在国家的大使馆/领事馆,了解预约等待时间和额外的F-1或J-1签证申请要求和程序的具体信息.

加拿大公民: You are not required to apply for a 签证. You can enter the US with a valid passport, 你的I-20或DS-2019, 财务文档, 和I-901费用支付确认.


  • Complete sponsored student information, if applicable. 获得本国政府或公司/组织经济支持的学生必须填写 财务主管的保证人表格.  For questions on this form, contact the Mines Bursar at bursar@whgaolian.com.
  • 查看从丹佛国际机场(DEN)前往Mines校园的交通选择.
  • Identify any orientations you are required to attend on campus. This will help you plan your arrival.
  • 购买旅行安排. 还记得, 您可以在I-20或DS-2019文件上列出的项目开始日期前30天到达美国. 你必须持F-1或J-1签证进入美国才能开始学习.


你可能希望开始计划你的行李清单,这样你就可以在你开始安排你的手提箱和旅行到科罗拉多时做最充分的准备. T在这里 are many great packing lists 在线, 但请记住,科罗拉多州有四季,气温从冬季的30华氏度或更低到夏季的100华氏度或更高. 当您到达Mines时,您将有机会购买额外的服装和/或物品.


Items to Pack into a Carry-On Luggage or Personal Item 

  • 你的I-20或DS-2019新葡京娱乐城-当你进入美国时,你将需要这些.S.
  • A valid, unexpired passport with a valid, unexpired U.S. F-1 or J-1 签证 (Canadians are not required to have a 签证)
  • Your official admission letter from the 新葡京娱乐城
  • 你的财务支持文件
  • 您的机票
  • 现金, 旅行支票, or any international bank card (ATM or debit card), 还有500- 1美元,000美元.S. currency for travel emergencies and immediate expenses.
    • 注意你的航班转机和你在每个机场的时间. 您需要留出足够的时间搭乘转机航班和/或通过入境检查. Missing a flight can result in having to stay overnight in a hotel, added costs in meals and other expenses.
  • 在国内和美国的紧急联系人的电话号码和电子邮件地址
  • 科罗拉多联系人的电话号码和电子邮件地址以及你在新葡京娱乐城的联系人
  • 您正在服用的药物的处方和原装的新处方药



  • A copy of your marriage license (if applicable)
  • A copy of your academic transcript from your home institution
  • 您接受过的任何慢性医疗问题的医疗记录
  • An English translation of your medical history and documents
  • 陪同配偶/子女的医疗记录(包括疫苗接种记录)(如适用)
  • Clothing appropriate for the season of your arrival in Colorado.
  • Adapters for electrical appliances (U.S. 标准插座使用110伏)
  • Favorite recipes and items for sharing your culture with others; music, 录像带, 明信片, 照片, 或者传统服饰.

Arriving to Denver International Airport (DEN)

Denver International Airport is quite large.  You may find that after you have gotten off the plane, you need to follow the signs (and people) to board a train.  This train takes you to the main terminal, w在这里 you can then pick up your baggage.  如果你不确定在哪里搭火车,问问机场乘务员或你的空乘.  Once the train has stopped at the main terminal, you will notice a row of monitors just outside of the train doors.  These monitors will let you know which carousel number to go to for your luggage.

到达Golden and Mines

有几个班车服务可以直接带你到戈尔登和新葡京娱乐城. The shuttle may have limited service after the 11 p.m. 请提前上网查询. 从DIA到Golden的出租车服务要贵得多,除非你在班车服务停止后到达,否则不建议你这么做. Once you have been dropped off in Golden, 给司机小费也是一种习惯(每件行李约1美元,加上总费用的10-15%). A taxi ride can cost about $60 or more when you’re traveling late at night.


if you will arrive to campus before on-campus housing move-in date, you may want to arrange for temporary lodging accommodations, 比如酒店, 爱彼迎或住宿加早餐. T在这里 are additional resources to help identify 校外住宿选择. 新葡京娱乐城校园住宿有针对性 入学日期 对于校内住房.

Once you arrive at Mines, remember, you must do the following:

  • 办理登机手续 国际门户 激活您的移民身份
  • 到你的部门报到.  You may check in with your advisor, or the department administrative assistant.


Leaving your home and coming to a new country can be adventurous and fun, 但我们肯定认识到这是一个多么重大的决定,有许多因素会影响你的体验. You may be used to travelling and visiting new places, 但如果你不是, some of the following suggestions may help to diminish your fears:

  • 预期——为自己设定一些小目标和事件来期待,可以让未来的事情更容易处理和准备.
  • 与家里的朋友和家人保持联系——尽你所能与家里的人保持联系, but don’t forget to get out and meet other students at Mines. 你不是唯一的新学生,很多人都期待着认识你,了解你!
  • Language – Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Many native-English speakers make mistakes. 练习你的语言技能, 犯错误, 与国内和其他国际学生见面将帮助你提高你的语言水平,创造难忘的回忆.

The initial period of settling in often seems like an adventure. 你会倾向于寻找和识别你的家庭文化和东道国文化之间的相似之处. Some surprises always a等待 you when you arrive in a new place. 有一些行为, 海关, 你可能会发现身体特征不寻常,你的环境和周围环境可能看起来很奇怪.

The ISSS is a great resource for help with adjusting to campus life, life in the U.S., and learning about opportunities on campus  We conduct a new international student orientation 这样你们就可以提问了, meet other new international students, and become familiar with other campus offices and personnel.  这是一个相对非正式的场合, 这样你就能了解我们了, 也让我们了解你.  参加国际学生指导会对你如何适应美国的生活有很大的帮助.S. 在新葡京娱乐城.

本网站所包含的信息是为国际学生提供的一项服务, 教师, 工作人员, employees and administrators of the 新葡京娱乐城, and does not constitute legal advice on any immigration, 税务或其他事项. We aim to provide substantial and useful information, 但我们不做任何声明, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, 本网站或任何外部/相关网站所包含或链接的信息的完整性或充分性. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, 法律是不断变化的, 本文所提供的任何内容都不能代替主管律师的建议. 新葡京娱乐城和全球教育办公室不对本网站包含的任何错误或遗漏负责, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.


国际学生 & 学者服务
戈尔登,CO 80401

Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:30pm - 4:00pm

(303) 273-3210 / isss@whgaolian.com